G105 (Earth: Our Habitable Planet) |
Professor: Dr. Jürgen Schieber, Room 523, Geological Sciences, Ph: 856-4740, jschiebe@indiana.edu
Office Hour: Monday 9:00-10:00, or by appointment
for full class syllabus click here
lecture notes are linked to the chapters listed below
Date Topics Reading Assignment
Course Notes PART III
(for Part 1 and 2 look at
Week 13 | Climate Regulation and Atmosphere Evolution through Geologic Time |
L-5; BP-Ch. 17; P-18, 19, 20 |
Week 14 | Climate Regulation and Atmosphere Evolution through Geologic Time |
L-5; BP-Ch. 17; P-18, 19, 20 |
Week 15 | Climate Regulation and Atmosphere Evolution through Geologic Time |
L-5; BP-Ch. 17; P-18, 19, 20 |
Week 16 | The Future of Life on Earth | P-21 |
Week 17 | Final Exam (click for study guide) |
WC = Posted Course Notes; L = readings from Lovelock; BP = reading from Blue Planet text; P = Powerpoint Lectures